Vein clinic resources.

Team Training

When you open your vein clinic you must consider how your office staff will interact with and manage your new vein patients. Successful vein clinics create a positive and friendly environment that comes across less 'clinical' than the typical vascular surgeon's practice.

Whereas the majority of vascular cases come in as physician referrals, vein clinic prospective patients often come in based on their desire to get rid of unsightly varicose veins or seeking relief from the pain.

As 'self referrals' these patients require a more 'retail' approach by your office staff, much like that found in a successful plastic surgeon's office. Carillion specialists come into your office and spend time with your front office and nursing staff to sensitize them to the more personalized nuances of the retail vein practice. We also stress the important role that they play in reaffirming the prospective patient that they have made a good decision to initiate the office visit to treat their varicose veins.

The most important aspect of our on site training is to ensure that every staff person who has contact with prospective patients by phone or in the office, fully understand the procedures available at your vein clinic. Educating them on the range of therapies is critical to giving prospective patients the sense that you and your vein clinic team completely understand how best to treat their venous disease.

Some of the areas covered during your onsite team training include:

-Interacting with 'self-referring' patients
-Differences in vascular vs. vein clinic patient relations
-An overview of the various levels of vein disease and therapies
-Getting information before giving information
-Dealing with pricing inquiries
-Telephone techniques
-Understanding the protocols
-Highlights of the EVLT therapy
-Managing screening visits
-Communicating information to the inquiring patient
-Capturing complete information for the vein clinic's dbase
-Referral tracking
-Interaction techniques when patient walks through your doors

These training services are part of Carillion's full service practice development services offered to you for growing your vein clinic practice.


Carillion Inc. • Airpark Station • Box 12275 •Scottsdale, AZ 85267 • TEL 713-304-4978 • FAX 480-699-4379