Practice development services.

Complete practice development services

1. Planning
2. Branding & Positioning
3. Media Strategy & Planning
4. Web Development & Online Marketing
5. Print & Broadcast Production
6. Public Relations
7. Practice Development / Fieldwork

1. Marketing Planning

Attracting new vein patients to your practice requires strategy and an organized plan tailored to your specific market. Your marketing planning begins with a meeting with one or more of planning experts. With your input we map out a twelve or eighteen month plan that will guide our efforts in creating awareness of your vein clinic and attracting new patients.

2. Branding & Positioning Your Practice

The transition from a typical vascular practice to a vein clinic requires a more 'retail' look at how you 'package' and present your new clinic. Branding and positioning are effective tools used in commercial enterprise to differentiate products, goods, and services. These same strategies can be very effective when applied in healthcare settings to brand and position your services so that prospective patients can easily identify your practice and comprehend the specific benefits offered by you and your specialized services. To accomplish this we use both brand strategists and graphic artists to develop a series of options that can be tested in the marketplace, or simply selected by you.


3. Media Strategy & Planning

We use media channels as the vehicle to build awareness of your vein clinic with targeted groups in the population. Because of the high costs of media, particularly in urban markets, we use a media professional for planning and budget development. They work with our account planner and creative director to develop a media plan that will create the maximum awareness with minimum wasted impressions, and on budget. Once complete and approved by you, your media plan becomes the backbone of your awareness building campaign addressing reach and frequency targets throughout the year.

4. Web Development & Online Marketing

It is safe to say that you are at a severe disadvantage in the marketplace today without an effective website. This is especially true when competing for varicose vein patients. Prospective patients have become much more sophisticated in their search for professional services, including private pay elective procedures. An effective hard working website blends your professional branding and positioning, with practical content. It includes an easy navigation system, and simple useful features such as a list of insurance plans you accept or a map on how to find you.


5. Print & Broadcast Production

In addition to using web development specialists to produce your vein clinic web site, we also use similarly experienced professionals in the development of your print and broadcast materials. Our production teams provide a full range of services for developing such items as print ads, broadcast spots, POS materials, and seminar presentations.


6. Public Relations

Carillion practices 'integrated marketing' disciplines, which simply means each one of our marketing and sales plans integrates several media and marketing tools to maximize your investment in generating awareness of your clinic. One of the areas often overlooked is PR communications. Every one of our plans include a PR component because of how effective it can be in boosting awareness and interest in your clinic. The trade off is that PR does require more of your time. You must make yourself available when we line up an interview with a reporter or freelance writer on assignment.


7. Practice Development / Fieldwork

One of the best ways to establish your new vein clinic is to get the word out to referring physicians in your immediate market area. We help you reach out to area physicians by calling on them at their office. We meet with their office staff and explain what types of patients you can help with EVLT therapy and leave reference materials on the procedure. We take care of all of the details associated with making office calls so you can focus on your patients.

All seven aspects of our service help to build awareness of your vein practice. Marketing and practice development cannot be left to chance. As a surgeon, you should not have to worry about trying to wear too many hats. Give your marketing and practice development chores to Carillion Healthcare Marketing Specialists.


Carillion Inc. • Airpark Station • Box 12275 •Scottsdale, AZ 85267 • TEL 713-304-2217 • FAX 480-699-4379